Welcome to Christian Soldiers 7th Division!

We are a Christian clan and a Protestant ministry that was started by a Christian gamer in May of 2006. We offer a family friendly environment for people of all ages and backgrounds to come together and enjoy playing their favourite online games.

We believe and proclaim both old and new testaments to be the inspired, infallible, authoritative word of God and inerrant in the original writings. It is sufficient by itself for all matters of life and of God. We believe in one God in three parts. God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. We believe in the Deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, in His virgin birth, in His sinless life, His atoning death upon the cross, His bodily resurrection and His ascension to Heaven where He is seated at the right hand of the Father.

CS7 Full Logo

When it comes to gaming we have hundreds of active players across a number of games. The games we choose to play vary from time to time. We started in 2011 with three dedicated servers playing Battlefield 3 and Call of Duty 4. Today, we have a number of clans playing all three major Wargaming titles and a number of other major online games.

We offer the latest in gaming communications through Discord. It is a very high quality system that we use for in game chat as well as for bible study and prayer. All of this is free of charge as we don't require our members to give money but instead only rely on kindness of the heart donations from those who are in a position to give and be a blessing to us and others.

You will find us to be a friendly bunch who just enjoy each others friendship, discipleship, and gamesmanship. Take some time and check us out. Enjoy your stay.

Jarod997, Director - CS7

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